+++ Recommended Reading No. 1: UX +++

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Recommended Reading UX

UX is at the core of every business.

A great user experience sparks interest in the product and creates value. These are some great articles on the subject, which give some insight on best practices, what to put in consideration when developing a product and what not to do maybe.

1. Six Common Problems With The UX Process, And Six Solutions!

Every project and product is unique. So while best practices and the general process of how to go about creating a user experience are fairly generalized there are individual challenges attached to every product creation. Chris Day discusses six problems he faced as being the lead designer of a large web application and how he went about solving them.

2. The Top UX Predictions for 2015

UX Magazine explores how user experience could look like in 2015. This is a collection of opinions gathered by a set of industry professionals reflecting on trends and how these will become more relevant this year.

3. Prada’s online customer journey: luxury content, poor UX

A case study by David Moth @Econsultancy that looks at how Prada, a worldwide-acknowledged fashion brand, tries to convince users with their eCommerce endeavours and approach to applying UX.